Charles Wells Originally licensed in January 1995 as KC5LSF, changed to my present callsign in January 1997 with my upgrade to Advanced. Upgraded to Extra in March 1997 but retained my Advanced callsign. I enjoy the hobby, visiting with my friends on the air. I am the license trustee for the Crawford County Amateur Radio Club. I can be found in the mornings on 3.937 and in the evenings on 3.922 or 3.870. If I am really bored late night I'll listen to 3.916 Free Wheeler's Net. The rants and raves are more amusing than late night TV. I'm the license trustee for the Crawford County ARC and furnish the VHF repeater. In the past I served as a VE for both W5YI and ARRL and participated in over 100 test sessions. The ARRL refused to renew my VE certification stating that I did not have "enough recent experience" to qualify for renewal without retesting. I just found it hard to understand being treated like that. I withdrew my request for VE renewal and said By-By to the ARRL. There is not enough interest in this area to put togeather a W5YI team at this time. Oh well, time marches on!
Check out my photo album for some interesting photographs! I graduated Basic Police Training from the Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Academy in 1972. One of my fellow officers and Academy mates was later killed in the line of duty. I gave up law enforcement for a while and worked as a commercial pilot. I've owned several aircraft and acquired part interest in Stone Aviation, a fixed base operation (FBO) at the Fort Smith Arkansas municipal airport. I returned to law enforcement in 1986 as a reserve officer and then went full time in 1989. I retired from the Crawford County Sheriff's Department in 2004 having served in every position within the department from dispatcher to Chief Deputy. During some of this time I also served as a Deputy Coroner, I still serve in that capacity when needed. When I retired I opened my own Private Investigation and Civil Process business. We now have three process servers working in and for five counties in Arkansas. Then I was ask to serve as Police Chief for the neighboring town of Dyer, Arkansas. I served the citizens of Dyer for six more years and retired in January 2011. The new mayor (only served one term) and I did not share the same views, goals or objectives. Looking back that was the very best decision I ever made! I have absolutely NO regrets. |